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Baltic Amber Necklace: A Beach Mom's Dream Team

I have lived near the beach for most of my life. I love the sand between my toes, the way my hair looks after a proper swim in the salt water, and the way my skin gets sun-kissed after a long day spent ocean gazing. When I became a mother, I didn't realize how much harder these beach trips would become.

You've got to basically pack your entire house for one afternoon beach outing. I'll admit, with my first child I stayed away from the beach for her entire first year. There was just too much going on to feel competent packing everything and lugging it to the beach, only to hold my infant child and pray they don't get burnt or eat seashells.

With my second child, I knew that I didn't want that to be my life again. I didn't want to hole up in my house for an entire year with my new child and toddler, waiting for this season to pass. I wanted to be that mom who continued to live my life and take my children along for the ride. I started searching ways to consolidate all of the necessary things that I would need to bring with me if I wanted to go.

Just when I thought I had my bag all together, I realized that I hadn't brought any medication. My infant was in the throws of early teething, my toddler was having growing pains, and my husband suffered from back pain that often would flare in the middle of family outings like this. Pain medication was a must anywhere we went, but now I was faced with bringing the whole medicine cabinet, too.

I started researching OTC medicine that could be used on people of all ages and would treat a multitude of things. I was having very little luck when a friend had returned my message regarding this question. She was a "crunchy" mom, and I knew that if anyone knew a natural way to consolidate everyone's medications, it would be her.

She referred me to and told me that these necklaces weren't just for teething. In fact, her whole family wore them and had been experiencing a better quality of life since they purchased them. I was definitely intrigued and wanted to know more. How did they work?

Baltic amber comes from the regions located near the Baltic Sea. These regions are notorious for having the highest traces of succinic acid found in amber today. Succinic acid is what makes amber nature's medicine. It acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, not only curing pains related to headaches, teething, menstrual cramps, joint and muscle inflammation, but also boosting your natural immunity to help you fight off common illnesses.

It works best when worn because your body will act as a heating source, pulling the succinic rich oils out from the bead so that it can be absorbed into your bloodstream. Once absorbed, you start noticing it's healing effects almost immediately.

We received our necklaces only a few days after purchasing it. I bought one for each family member and when they arrived, we each put them on. If these necklaces worked as well as everyone claimed, then this would most definitely save me space in my beach bags! Before we went to the beach, though, they needed to be tested. We went to play mini golf and I crossed my fingers.

Normally this would be something that aggravated my husband's back, but I didn't hear one complaint the entire night. The next morning, I was sure that I was going to hear something from someone. My teething infant? Nope. My toddler with growing pains? Nope. My husband who had just spent half the night hunched over? Nope! It had to be a fluke. I waited a couple of more days to see if anything changed, and much to my surprise everyone had virtually lost all of their complaints.

We made our first beach trip as an entire family of four this past weekend and let me tell you, I have never been more calm and prepared. The necklaces made me feel that we were protected and would be ok, but also saved me room in my bag and the sanity that would have gone to keeping up with several medications. If you're wondering what Baltic amber can do for you and your family, purchase a necklace and see for yourself! It's modern day magic.

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