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Tips to Promote Wound Healing

We are all prone to cuts, scratches, and scrapes that bleed through our skin. Although, whenever we get a wound, our bodies immediately start the healing. However, some injuries require medical attention, while others are easily treatable at home.

Doctors worldwide suggest that people consider medical help when they have wounds with heavy bleeding and deeper exposure to internal skin tissues. Whether you are undergoing medical treatment for your injuries or treating them at home, certain things can help you hurry up the healing process. This post mentions ingredients and tips that you can use to heal wounds faster.

Wound Healing Stages

A wound undergoes a proper healing process. It passes through various stages that help us know the damage is healing:

  1. Blood dries up, and the scab formation begins

  2. Antibodies help in fighting infection

  3. White blood cells start to repair blood vessels and tissues

  4. Skin formation over the wound

  5. You can see a strengthened scar covering the damage and the surrounding area

Tips to Promote Wound Healing

  • Manuka Honey

Many people won’t know this, but honey is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. You’d be surprised to learn that manuka honey is one of the many types of love used in making wound healing recipes. Bees that feed on manuka trees found in New Zealand and Australia make manuka honey.

There have been many studies on the use of honey in wound healing. And, interestingly, it has shown signs of improvement. For example, honey inhibits bacterial growth in wounds. However, doctors suggest that individuals must first consult a physician before using honey as a part of their wound treatment.

  • Turmeric Paste

Turmeric is exceptionally rich in anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the antibacterial properties help in healing wounds faster. Moreover, the presence of curcumin in turmeric speeds up wound restoration management.

You can add turmeric to warm water or hot oil to make a paste. Apply the paste directly to the wound. Next, you can cover it with a bandage or leave it open.

  • Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has been a popular ingredient promoting wound healing for many years. It belongs to the cactus family and contains glucomannan. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties help the skin to soothe. Moreover, studies suggest that aloe vera treats up to second-degree burn injuries. You can apply a thin layer on the wound or cover the damage in aloe vera-soaked bandages. It speeds up the wound healing process because glucomannan helps produce collagen.

  • Antibacterial Ointment

People commonly use antibacterial ointments in treating hurts at home. You can also use them as aftercare for medically treated wounds. It reduces the growth of bacteria in the injury, thus, allowing the wound to heal faster.

  • Coconut Oil

People around the globe use coconut oil to reduce the risk of infections in wounds. It contains fatty acids rich in anti-microbial properties. It creates a layer on the damage to prevent any ailment; it also dries up any liquid in the injury that can slow the healing process.

Final Words

Whether it is a minor wound or a deep cut, you must always clean it using an antiseptic solution or fresh running water. Ensure that you use a clean bandage to cover the wound to prevent the development of infections. In addition, you can use the tips mentioned above to speed up the healing process.

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