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5 Ways to Thrive as a Stay-at-Home Mom

If you’re a stay-at-home mom, you know just how things can get very hectic, very quickly. One second your little one is sound asleep, wandering the beautiful expanses of the Dream Land, and the next they turn into a screaming banshee, for no apparent reason.

That being said, it becomes quite obvious why stay-at-home moms present a peculiar part of the modern workforce, and why their specific work needs are so different from anyone else’s. However, it’s important to mention that not all hope is lost and you can still find ways to thrive as a SAHM, you just need to know where to look.

Have a system that works for you

There are numerous books, magazines and talk shows that all revolve around showing all sorts of advice down new moms’ throats. Aside from them, your mom, mother in law, aunt or sister will have a couple of things to add to that pile, for sure. Now, one of the things that all of those have in common is the fact that they’re not raising your kids – you are! Therefore, no matter what anyone says and no matter how good their intentions are, listen to them, say “thank you” and do the thing you wanted to do your way anyway. It can’t be stressed enough just how important it is to find a system that works for you personally instead of trying to adapt to something you’ve read in a book.

Assess your finances

With the new baby on the way – or it might even already be here, you need to ensure that you are stable enough financially so that you can be able to fully support the new member of your family. First and foremost, see if you owe anyone anything and – if possible – try to take care of those debts. Sorting out your money matters will help you become far calmer, and thus, a far better parent. However, if you feel like that’s not such an easy thing to do, you might want to look for ways you can boost your personal finances.

Boost your income

Since, as mentioned earlier, stay-at-home moms can’t really afford a full-blown career, at least not while their baby is still a baby, you should look for other ways you can earn some cash. Thanks to the internet, nowadays people of all calibers and skills can find a fitting job opportunity, that will not only boost their income but also help them establish themselves as successful freelancers in the long run. No matter if you decide to become a freelance writer or proofreader, publish your own eBook or join an affiliate program offered by online casinos, you need to make sure that your work hours are flexible and that with the job you’ll be able to contribute to your overall financial situation. Otherwise, you’ll just be wasting both your time and your nerves.


Furthermore, new moms often end up feeling overwhelmed, because they often feel like they have to do everything themselves. This, of course, could not be further from the truth because, since it took two to ensure that the child is brought into this world, it should also take – at least – two to bring up the child. Furthermore, welcome all the help you can get from your family and friends, because raising a kid is not an easy job, and you absolutely won’t be able to do everything on your own. Remember, it takes a village…

Teach your kids how to be responsible early on

The importance of this step can’t be stressed enough. Sure, when kids are still small, there really are not a lot of things you can teach them, but as soon as you start setting some good examples and rewarding positive behavior, the sooner they will start to mimic the behavior and accept it as a good model. For instance, if you have a baby, you really don’t need to worry yourself too much with what you’re going to feed your baby with. But if you have an older child, ask them what they want for breakfast/lunch but offer them three options. This way, they will still feel like they’ve had the “luxury” of choice but you’ve actually done almost all the choosing for them. Additionally, make sure you explain to them that if they’ve set their mind on a particular meal and you’ve already begun with the preparations, that there’s no more room for them to change their minds. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck in the kitchen forever.

As a stay-at-home mom, you’re not just taking care of your kids. Instead, you’re taking care of the entire household as a whole and each individual member – including yourself. Therefore, make it easier on yourself and try to put yourself first whenever possible, to ensure that you’re the best version of yourself for the rest of your family.

Jessie Connor is a passionate writer and researcher from Brisbane, contributor at several business and lifestyle blogs, hooked on yoga and healthy living. She loves to spend her free time travelling, reading and of course – shopping!

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